The impulses to the brain and from the brain are transmitted along the nerve fiber as well as apply an electrical pulse. Most nerve fibers covered with a special substance called myelin. In multiple sclerosis, the myelin is destroyed, followed by the formation of connective tissue (sclerosis). Multiple sclerosis is difficult to diagnose, because symptoms of the disease are variable and are periodic in nature buy prednisone online. At the medical examination can not be detected nothing unusual in the early stages of the disease. As a result, the doctor comes to the conclusion that the complaints are purely emotional and exaggerated. Often the diagnosis is in the process of identifying other diseases.

Currently treatment for MS does not exist. There are drugs that can reduce the incidence and severity of exacerbations.


The cause of MS is unknown, but many researchers believe that the role played by the immune system. It is many cases of hereditary predisposition to the disease.

One theory is a triggering factor for immune disorders is a virus that adjusts the immune system against the normal tissues of the body. Partial response is a pathologic organism effect on myelin, which leads to the development of multiple sclerosis.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Along with the fact that the course of multiple sclerosis are highly unpredictable, in most patients the disease symptoms appear and disappear. The disease usually begins between the ages of 20-40 years. Between episodes of the disease can take months or years of remission, but usually this interval is gradually becoming shorter. Loss of ability to move is progressive and permanent, in rare cases, the disease leads to premature death. In some cases, the flow is characterized by frequent exacerbations, and the man quickly goes down, while the other patients can lead a normal life, even in the case of the appearance of a number of anxiety symptoms.

Complications in Multiple Sclerosis

In some cases, especially when the disease begins in middle age, multiple sclerosis leads to death within a few years. Recurrent urinary tract infections are a risk factor for the development of renal failure.

What you can do

Living with Multiple Sclerosis is difficult. At a time when the symptoms of the disease are not yet so heavy, should ensure a restorative treatment, adequate rest, diet. Physical therapy may help prevent muscle function limits. Some patients consume cranberry juice to reduce the risk of bladder infections, the main problem of multiple sclerosis.

The doctor should be visited as soon as soon as the first suspicion of the disease. Means for preventing the disease does not exist.

What can a doctor

Appointment of drugs that can slow the progression of the disease, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory agents. Conducting physical therapy for relief of symptoms.

Action doctor aimed at preventing the development of other symptoms of multiple sclerosis. To this end, a X-ray of the skull, or computed tomography study of the brain using nuclear magnetic resonance.

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