Insomnia is often seen as the primary symptom of physical or mental ill person, here are some of the features, types of insomnia, as well as ways to cope with it on their own, I will note – this does not cancel the appeal to the specialist – psychotherapist, clinical psychologist or psychiatrist.

Probably each of us know the state when the complete inability to fall asleep or faint intermittent sleep with anxious thoughts and turns from side to side in bed the next day let down the drain, making us lethargic, distracted and grumpy.

Perhaps you have already tried many remedies to relieve this condition, but it turned out that all of them do not work. The good news is that there are many methods that can help you make the dream a strong and healthy, but to begin with, it is useful to know the cause, leading to the emergence of insomnia.

Insomnia – is a symptom, rather than a single diagnosis or disease. It occurs in the neuroses, certain cardiovascular and psychiatric diseases, infections, as well as brain damage, regulating the right alternation of sleep and wakefulness. In healthy people, it can occur after physical or mental overstrain, fatigue, strong emotions etc.

Recognize insomnia easily by complaints about the lack of sleep and an external view of the patient: puffiness under the eyes, red eyes, dry mouth, drowsiness, depression. Very often, people who suffer from insomnia, it seems that they do not sleep at all. Most of them say that during the day they are constantly sleepy, and they can not sleep at night, or dozing, awake immediately.

Related insomnia can be the result or the cause of other diseases. This is the most common form of sleep disorder. Of the 10 people who have found a sleep disorder, 8 suffer insomnia and accompanying form of the following diseases:Diseases of the heart and lungs;Anxiety and Depression;Excessive consumption of alcohol;Smoking;Excessive consumption of caffeine;Acceptance of certain medications;Restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea.

Transient insomnia.It lasts at least four weeks. It can be caused by the change of time zones, temporary stress, excitement or a change in sleep schedule.

Short-term insomnia.It lasts from four weeks to six months. It may be caused by prolonged stress (financial problems, death of a loved one, a change of job, divorce). If you do not take special measures, short-term depression can develop into a serious problem.

Chronic insomnia.Chronic insomnia comes with a certain periodicity: every day, once a week, once a month. Chronic insomnia is typically a consequence of chronic physical or mental illnesses.

The impact of insomnia on health

Mental functioning. Insomnia affects the concentration and memory. Prolonged lack of sleep interferes with the daily tasks to perform.

Stress and depression. Insomnia increases the activity of hormones that cause stress. Thus, lack of sleep directly affects our mood and perception of the world.

Heart diseases. Heart disease is directly linked to insomnia and disorders of the nervous system. People suffering from chronic forms of insomnia, there are signs of increased activity of the nervous system and the heart, which may put them at risk of cardio – vascular diseases.

Headache. Headaches which occur at night or early in the morning may be associated with sleep disorder.

In most cases, the answer to the question “how fast to sleep” is simple – the maximum relax. That’s how the human body that effective rest and recovery during the sleep it needs to almost all the body’s muscles are completely relaxed. And this feature has a wonderful opposite effect – if almost all the body muscles are relaxed – it is automatically put to sleep.

So how do you achieve this effect?

1. The best position for the exercises – lying on his back. The feet do not touch each other, the hands do not touch the body. All further execute mentally, the body must be stationary.

2. Transfer your attention to some part of the body such as the wrist. For those who are not familiar with the concept of an internal focus, or internal view – ask yourself the question “what currently feels the brush of my right hand?” And try to respond in detail to him. Feel the cool hand of bed linen, the texture of fabric, catch the inner pulsation of the fingers. You should feel your wrist – it is the attention to move part of the body.

3. Now imagine that the brush of your hand relaxes, grows heavy. Create a vivid image – for example, a warm heavy liquid fills the inside of the brush, gradually displacing the tension attracts her to the bed. You can mentally pronounce that idea is usually that significantly speeds up the process. As soon felt that his hand became heavy, and seemed not to want to move, you can mentally congratulate yourself – your brush completely relaxed.

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