The most common form of chronic urogenital trichomoniasis is a chronic urogenital trichomoniasis. By prevalence of STDs, he takes the first place. The global nature of the infection is determined by 170 million patients with trichomoniasis in the world. Development of the unfavorable epidemiological situation in respect of trichomoniasis is caused by factors such as intensive migration processes, the presence of the social conditions that contribute to random sexual relations generic viagra versus brand name without the use of contraceptives, widespread mechanical contraception, such as intrauterine devices, the complexity of the diagnosis and the lack of adequate treatment of the disease, the frequent absence of immunity after the disease.
Causes of chronic trichomoniasis
The causative agent of urogenital trichomoniasis called Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis) – this is the simplest (Protozoa) Class flagellates (Flagellata) kind of trichomonas (Trichomonas). It affects both men and women. In humans, three kinds of parasite Trichomonas: oral detect Trichomonas tenax, in the gastrointestinal tract – Trichomonas hominis, an urogenital organs – Trichomonas vaginalis. Oral and gastrointestinal Trichomonas does not survive in the vagina (or urethra) and do not cause inflammation. Therefore, the theory of the transformation of one species into another pathogen shown to be ineffective. Parasitic in the body types of Trichomonas – individual non-adaptive species. Their difference is observed in the morphological and biological characteristics. Evolve, Trichomonas vaginalis slew genitourinary organs only in the lower part. In animals, this species of the pathogen does not occur and is related to specific human parasites. They can not exist in the external environment. Other species belonging to the genus Trichomonas, live as saprophytes or pathogens of various diseases of mammals, insects and birds, and can not hit the genito-urinary organs.
The cause of chronic trichomoniasis urogenital trichomoniasis is the penetration of the human body, which does not happen immediately, but first through contacts through the intercellular spaces, and then in the subepithelial tissue, or by entering into multiple network formed lymph slits called lymphogenic. Trichomonas attached to the squamous cells in the lining of the urethra, from where they fall into the gap and zhelёzki urethra.
Once in the organs of the urogenital system, Trichomonas can cause inflammation, and may not show its presence – it all depends on their virulence. Inflammation usually begins when there are a large number of pathogens. They secrete hyaluronidase, which significantly loosens the tissue and allows you to freely penetrate into the space between the cells of toxic products released from the bacterial metabolism of concomitant microflora.
The factor of the general laws of development and the flow of trichomoniasis is the brightness of exposure to infection. The clinical picture depends on it. To identify this factor is checked Hp secret, physiological condition, epithelium m / n system and the proper bacterial flora. The complexity of prevention, as well as the cause of chronic trichomoniasis, is the lack of clearly defined immunity after treatment. Serum, as well as secret antibodies that are produced in the recovered or trichomoniasis are generally not confer immunity.
Symptoms of chronic trichomoniasis
The clinical picture of the disease there are several stages of its development and forms that depend on the response to the pathogen, and the duration of the disease.
The initial stage is called acute or subacute fresh, then there is a torpid or malosimptomno, while during which more than two months, the disease becomes chronic. There are also trihomonadonositelstvo when any whatsoever trichomoniasis symptoms, both objective and subjective, no, but there is the presence of Trichomonas in the body.
Symptoms of chronic trichomoniasis characterized by periodic exacerbations. They occur during sexual stimulation and excesses (alcohol use). Characterized by reduced disease resistance, sexual dysfunction, changes in Hp environment in the vagina and urethra.
The causative agent of urogenital trichomoniasis affects men, mainly urethra. The usual incubation period is five to 15 days. Sometimes, this period ranges from one to three days, or three to four weeks. Acute current form is expressed in the turbulent manifestation of trichomoniasis symptoms: there are copious purulent discharge from the urethra and dysuria. Subacute urethritis revealed minor symptoms: small in the number of spin-off, the color of gray or grayish-yellow, cloudy urine in the first portion and having a moderate amount of cereal. Chronic Trichomonas urethritis in men is manifested symptoms of scarcity or total lack of them. The most common chronic trichomoniasis in men is complicated by prostatitis, epididymitis and vesiculitis. These diseases etiology different from gonoreynyh more turbulent. Long-term course of the disease can lead to the formation of multiple strictures in the urethra.
Diagnosis of urogenital trichomoniasis detection of clinical signs of disease, as well as the detection of Trichomonas in the material. The diagnosis of trichomoniasis is important to carry out in accordance with the principles of laboratory: joint organization of various methods of diagnosis, multiple research material, which is designed to study, conduct sampling of material from different foci, compliance with its art collection and transportation. Laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis is performed by microscopy of a native preparation, and preparation of colored fluorescent microscopy. Also apply immunological techniques, culture, rapid tests and PCR.