All diseases caused by the body being hit by infectious bacteria, can be grouped under a single name or a single medical area – Infectiology. In this area of medical science carries out research and study it is of infectious diseases, or as they were called in ancient times, “the world’s diseases.” what is doxycycline
What is an infectious disease? In fact, this painful pathological condition of the body, caused by being hit by a live pathogen, a foreign agent. Painful pathological condition of the patient – a protective reaction of the organism to the “foreigner”.
Infection process is able to capture absolutely all levels of an organism – organismal, tissue, cellular, molecular. There are two ways out of the infectious status – lethal and full recovery, or rather, the complete liberation of the body from the infectious agent. And it’s worth noting that a full recovery can come only when the body is fully wins and gets rid of the pathogen got into it.
All infectious diseases can be classified according to several criteria. For example, the first classification would be: infections – anthroponoses (infection between human beings) and infections – zoonoses (animal to human). That is the first classification is based on symptoms, from whom the infection is transmitted. The second classification exists in the separation of transmission pathways: intestinal infections (by mouth), respiratory tract infection (aerosol or airborne), blood-borne infections (blood-sucking insects), blood netransmissivnye infection (through blood), and external infections (pin pathway). Based on the nature of the infectious agent based third classification of diseases: viral infections, bacterial, fungal, protozoal and prion. And the last, the fourth classification is based on the degree of infectiousness. And then stand out: non-communicable diseases, infectious and highly contagious infections.
If you look at the wider Infectiology, all diseases in this category can be divided into two large groups – exogenous infection (ie, the agent enters the body from the outside) and endogenous infections (infections develop inside the body due to the presence of pathogens).
Almost all infections are similar to each other symptomatic manifestations. Infectious diseases can manifest themselves through: general weakness and malaise, body aches, fever, headache and joint pain, muscle pain, bowel disorder, sleep disturbance, vomiting, cough, runny nose, and various skin rashes, and sore throat. Together these constitute a syndrome of symptoms of intoxication all infectious organism.
Fever and headache (an aching, throbbing, arriving localized or diffuse) are signs of an infectious disease in any form and of any kind. So often, these symptoms may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Thus, any disease caused by infection will manifest itself first general symptoms, and only to the extent of development will manifest specific symptoms that are localized to a particular organ affected.
When the diagnosis of infectious diseases physicians – specialists used very different methods. Selection of a particular method depends on several factors: the nature of the infection and the causative agent of the properties of this infection. We investigate these questions, as a rule, when the first survey and examination of the patient, and then appointed and apply individual methods of research and diagnostics.
In order to establish an accurate diagnosis of infectious disease is necessary laboratory testing methods. They are usually carried out for people infected and those who are exposed to the risk of infection from a patient. Using such techniques, doctors have detected cases of people who have a contagious infection passes initial asymptomatic stage, and those who are the direct carrier of infection. It should be noted that the earlier identified infectious disease, the easier it will be to cope with it and get rid of the infectious agent, without complications for the patient.
Since the diagnosis of infectious diseases, the general methods: laboratory analysis of blood, urine, bacterial seeding feces, stool microscopy, seeding tank tonsils mucus and mucus from the nose. Most often, these studies and analyzes conducted in hospital laboratories, but there are exceptions when taking materials for these studies at the patient’s home.